
meredith ann fuller

Omaha Nebraska

I am an author. My heart is a migrant. Perforce I moved to Nebraska. By happy startled choice I live where the kindness of strangers is usually genuine and niceness is like a nervous tic or a dessert you don’t really have room for but it would be rude to say no. I left the ocean and a big city for a home in Omaha, my lunge line tethered to a big sky. Rolling prairie makes me swoon, the edge of the world cresting, disappearing, and reappearing, and I might just end up driving right into the clouds and getting seriously lost. I like being a stranger in a strange land. We are all the other, even if we don’t know it. In the Mayan language, in la’ketch means I am another yourself. As a writer, I hope to make you fall in love with strangers and people you don’t approve of.

Áreas de especialização

Fiction, non-fiction, poetry

Credenciais profissionais

Nebraska Rural Living