Heart of Flesh Literary Journal: Issue Nine
por Veronica McDonald, Editor
Este é o preço visto por seus clientes. Editar lista de preços
Sobre o livro
Our writers and artists share truth here. Truth about everyday struggles, about carrying heavy loads, about feeling deep hurts—as one of our poets reminds us, creation is groaning. But the wonderful thing is, they also share truth about the way out. While our sin curses us to suffer here, we are never left without hope. As another of our poets puts it: “There is no way out. Then he makes a way.” Some of the people in these pages cling to that truth with all they got, sometimes as they wrestle to understand it, while others let the weight of their burdens drag them deeper into sin and the way of death.
I want to thank the people who made this issue possible. First, I want to thank my husband, for being the wonderful, hardworking man he is. Also, Katie Yee, who once again was a huge help with submissions and editing, for all her hard work and for being a source of encouragement and discernment. Thank you to our readers, for your kindness and for keeping this journal going. Lastly, I’d like to thank the writers and artists who submitted this round, especially our contributors for this issue. We are blessed every reading period with an unbelievable amount of talent, and as Heart of Flesh grows it’s becoming harder to choose the right pieces for an issue. I think we chose some amazing work, created by some amazing people, and I’m so excited and honored to present the ninth issue of Heart of Flesh.
Características e detalhes
- Categoria principal: Ficção literária
- Categorias adicionais Literatura e ficção, Poesia
Opção de projeto: 15×23 cm
Nº de páginas: 162 -
- Capa mole: 9798211222205
- Data de publicação: maio 19, 2023
- Idioma English
- Palavras-chavee collection, art, nonfiction, fiction, christian
Sobre o autor
Heart of Flesh is a semiannual literary journal that contains quality writing and art with Christian themes. We are not a typical “Christian fiction” journal. We believe God’s truth as written in the Bible can be found in both the sacred and the secular, in nearly every work of literature and every part of the human condition. We include work from both Christians and non-Christians from all over the world. Pure in Heart Stories is the "kid sister" of Heart of Flesh. It is a biannual literary magazine for families, featuring poetry, stories, art, and more by kids, teens, and adults. A portion of all proceeds from both journals will be donated to Mission of Hope (https://www.missionofhopeministries.net/about/), a "residential Christian program focusing on men and women struggling with drug and alcohol dependency."