José Guadalupe Sánchez III | William Camargo
Reversible! Two Exhibitions in One Catalog
por Cerritos College Art Gallery
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José Guadalupe Sánchez III's Aquí Allá en Todas Partes (Here There Everywhere) and William Camargo's Ojalá Nos Vean (Hope They See Us) presented in a double-sided exhibition catalog. Just turn the book over to view the other exhibition.
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Características e detalhes
- Categoria principal: Arts & Photography Books
- Categorias adicionais Fotografia e artes plásticas, Belas artes
Opção de projeto: Quadrado pequeno, 18×18 cm
Nº de páginas: 164 - Data de publicação: jun 14, 2023
- Idioma English
- Palavras-chavee Painting, Brown-Futurisms, Latinx, Photography
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Sobre o autor
Cerritos College Art Gallery
Norwalk, CA
The Cerritos College Art Gallery presents rotating exhibitions highlighting the work of emerging and mid-career artists. A special emphasis is placed on works that confront challenging and pressing issues in contemporary art and culture. In support of exhibitions, the Cerritos College Art Gallery also regularly hosts workshops, lectures, and performances.