I Bought A Typewriter: Volume I
Imperfect Stories about Imperfect People, Places, Things, and Ideas
por CS Beaty
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Sobre o livro
I spend too much time thinking about these sort of things. I love beauty in the ordinary and the story behind the story. And in every good story, there tends to be an amazing character. These are those stories and those characters that have forced me to get lost in thought. Written on a typewriter in a single draft, with all its character and imperfections. Just like the characters in the stories.
Características e detalhes
- Categoria principal: Turismo
- Categorias adicionais Ciências sociais, Humor
Opção de projeto: Papel carta, 22×28 cm
Nº de páginas: 84 - Data de publicação: maio 22, 2024
- Idioma English
- Palavras-chavee storytelling, tiki, jackalope, culture, typewriter
Sobre o autor
C.S. BEATY is Christopher Scott Beaty, but when you meet him just call him Chris. His favorite author is C.S. Lewis, so he couldn’t resist. He writes nothing like Lewis, and Lewis definitely wouldn’t approve of all the cuss words. Chris’s favorite word is Beauty. Lewis’s was Joy. They’re kind of the same thing. Chris lives in Omaha, Nebraska— the greatest City in the greatest State in the world. He has a wife that likes to cook, three kids that like to yell, and a dog that likes to dork. He collects tiki mugs, autographed hockey pucks, things with the word craft in them, and Batman Pez dispensers. He’s yet to do that ONE AMAZING THING, but he’s learning to be ok with that. Stupid social media stuff that I hate: The thing that used to be twitter: @CS_Beaty The thing that is still instagram: @C.S. Beaty