Echoes of Ancestry
Psychological Impact of Slave Heritage on African Americans
por Keith A Campbell
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Sobre o livro
Salve heritage is an intrinsic part of the African American experience , forming the bedrock of collective identity and profoundly shaping the American cultural, social, and psychological landscape of millions of people in the United States. This enduring legacy begins with the horrific Trans-Atlantic journey that forcibly brought men, women, and children from Africa to the shore of America. The inhumane conditions endured on plantations, the relentless labor, the physical and psychological cruelty, and the systematic stripping awy of personal identities through the eradication of languages, customs, and family structures have left deep and lasting scars.
Características e detalhes
- Categoria principal: Ciências sociais
- Categorias adicionais Ciências políticas, Vidas negras importam
Opção de projeto: 15×23 cm
Nº de páginas: 324 -
- Capa mole: 9798331134105
- Data de publicação: jul 10, 2024
- Idioma English
- Palavras-chavee Self-Awareness, Post Colonialism, Racial Trauma
Sobre o autor
Keith Antonio Campbell is a Southern Urban Writer. This retired educator is one of America's up and coming African American writers. His style of writing is called by many "Black Southern Comfort "because of his simplistic and truthful revelations of everyday life. He is also the Producer of "Praise House" a documentary about the African American Church culture as relating to song and worship originated by an Enslaved People. Keith A. Campbell is the author of several books: The Healing Garden, Thoughts for Those Who Are Sick, This Church Gives Me The Blues Book Series: Keep Us From Falling, Let's Have Saints For Dinner, and Avondale. He is the Producer and writer of The Supplemental Word Worship Song Book: Spirit Song. Keith A. Campbell has also produced Self Help Ebooks: Faith-Full, Self-Sabotage, The 30 Day Beginners Journal, Who The F**k Is Talking In My Head, Exploring Your Inner World Booklet, Molly, Gurl You're Being Gaslighted!