Mentors: Collaboration and Inspiration 2024
Art and Poetry Catalog
por Front Porch Gallery
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Sobre o livro
co-mentorship, creative influence, and inspiration.
The motivation behind this exhibit is to bring together diverse creative individuals, fostering an exciting energy that propels innovative projects. Through collaborative brainstorming, artists and poets are inspired, encouraged, and introduced to new ways of thinking and creating.
This exhibit creates an opportunity for participants to purposefully explore collaborative efforts across generations or draw inspiration from other creatives and create a community of connections. By doing so, they give and receive energy that enhances their production of unique artwork and poetry.
This was a collaborative invitation. We asked participants to join with another creative, either a fellow artist or poet, or a different kind of creative. It was our hope that the experience would forge meaningful connections and help individuals gain invaluable insights into their creative practices. Their insights will be shared throughout the exhibit as artist statements, on docent tours and receptions.
Características e detalhes
- Categoria principal: Arts & Photography Books
- Categorias adicionais Poesia
Opção de projeto: Retrato padrão, 20×25 cm
Nº de páginas: 32 -
- Capa dura, Sobrecapa: 9798331105020
- Data de publicação: jul 27, 2024
- Idioma English
- Palavras-chavee collaboration, poetry, art
Sobre o autor
Surfing Madonna Oceans Project is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit based in Encinitas, California and was officially formed in 2013 by Robert Nichols and Mark Patterson (artist of the Surfing Madonna mosaic). Today we see our community value as being the connective tissue in a network of cultural practitioners striving to be seen and heard. We want to disperse to our diverse cohort of cultural practitioners the necessary resources to express their truth to an appreciative public forum and advance their careers to the next level of recognition through art exhibitions. To that end we have planned programs involving Art, Poetry and Music Exhibitions that include local artists of diverse backgrounds, creative collaborators and high school musicians to participate in engaging the public in cultural exhibits that promote joyful experiences.