Sherwin James Photography Select Photobook
A Touch of Inspiration for the Everyday
por Sherwin James
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Sobre o livro
An engaging selection of photos from Sherwin James' photo gallery. The photos in this photo book represent the everyday people, places and things, with a strong nature perspective.
Site do autor
Características e detalhes
- Categoria principal: Arts & Photography Books
- Categorias adicionais Fotografia e artes plásticas
Opção de projeto: Paisagem padrão, 25×20 cm
Nº de páginas: 40 -
- Capa dura com ImageWrap: 9798331006419
- Data de publicação: set 20, 2024
- Idioma English
- Palavras-chavee people, nature, landscapes, photobook, photography
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Sobre o autor
Sherwin James
I am a photographer, app developer, technologist and more. I like the simple things.