A Poetry Anthology
por Sam Vincent Butler
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Sobre o livro
Curiosity invites readers into a realm of imaginative storytelling through poetry.
Each poem weaves an ambiguous narrative, challenging readers to unravel the hidden stories and ignite their creativity.
With evocative imagery and thought-provoking themes, this collection encourages you to visualize and expand upon the tales presented, making each reading a unique journey of discovery.
Dive into these pages and let your imagination roam free as you decode the mysteries within.
Each poem weaves an ambiguous narrative, challenging readers to unravel the hidden stories and ignite their creativity.
With evocative imagery and thought-provoking themes, this collection encourages you to visualize and expand upon the tales presented, making each reading a unique journey of discovery.
Dive into these pages and let your imagination roam free as you decode the mysteries within.
Site do autor
Características e detalhes
- Categoria principal: Poesia
- Categorias adicionais Natureza / Vida selvagem, Fantasia
Opção de projeto: 13×20 cm
Nº de páginas: 72 -
- Capa mole: 9798875434280
- Data de publicação: out 13, 2024
- Idioma English
- Palavras-chavee illustration, poetry, futurism, nature
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