The Forgotten Ruins of Italy
Volume I
por Jonnie Lynn Lace
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Sobre o livro
The photo book features 96 locations spanning across 152 pages.
Características e detalhes
- Categoria principal: Arts & Photography Books
- Categorias adicionais Arquitetura, Fotografia e artes plásticas
Opção de projeto: Paisagem padrão, 25×20 cm
Nº de páginas: 152 - Data de publicação: nov 04, 2024
- Idioma English
- Palavras-chavee abandoned, urbex, urban exploration, ruins, Italy
Sobre o autor
For Jonnie Lynn Lace, traveling throughout Europe and the United States to abandoned and overlooked places is more than just a passion; it’s her life’s work to uncover the forgotten architecture and left behind relics within these decaying structures. With her camera and curiosity of lost places, she ventures into buildings that most would deem off-limits or too dangerous to explore. Through her photography, she aims to bring a sense of life back to these once occupied spaces, showcasing their unique textures of peeling paint, colors, and atmospheres. Her photographic work aims to generate a deeper understanding of the inevitable passage of time that affects places left behind. Instagram: @jonnielynnlace Flickr: