The Romance of Renart
por Arnold Clayton Henderson
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Probably all cultures have animal tales. These are from medieval France. The fairly short comic stories selected here (Branches II and IV) are early parts in what became a long satiric epic as new authors added new stories. The verse translation follows the couplet form of the original. Notes include scholarly research and line numbers to standard editions of the Old French originals.
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Arnold Clayton HENDERSON
El Cerrito, California, USA
Arnold Clayton Henderson, now retired, has taught at universities, won poetry awards, edited engineering and environmental studies, and been an environmental commissioner. His books layer photos and poems. His photographs have been acquired by France's Bibliothèque nationale and published in the photography journals of Europe, Canada, and the U.S. His work was selected for Arthur Goldsmith's History of the Nude in Photography and for the international traveling group exhibitions/books Fantastic Photography and Le Nouveau nu.