Making Sense of Chaos (softcover)
collages by Terry Havlis Drahos, haikus by Nicole Evans
por Terry Havlis Drahos
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Sobre o livro
On the heels of Dada, Surrealists adopted and adapted collaging and cut-and-paste techniques. Much like their “automatic” approach to painting, these artists relied on the subconscious to produce one-of-a-kind assemblages made of photographs, illustrations, colored paper, and paint. Working in a similar method, I started with a series of photographs and thousands of magazine pieces, loosely combining images in an effort to organize the randomness into some kind of order. The results are a series of collages combining photographs and magazine clipping assembled together to create new meaning.
When completed the collages lent themselves to a narrative. I invited friend and writer Nicole Evans to create haikus for each image. This book is the resulting collaboration.
Características e detalhes
- Categoria principal: Arts & Photography Books
- Categorias adicionais Poesia
Opção de projeto: Paisagem padrão, 25×20 cm
Nº de páginas: 44 - Data de publicação: dez 09, 2024
- Idioma English
- Palavras-chavee poetry, haiku, collage, art
Sobre o autor
IMAGES • TERRY HAVLIS DRAHOS Originally from Chicago, IL, Terry Havlis Drahos received her Bachelor of Design from Southern Illinois University and Bachelor of Education at Acadia and NSCAD Universities, specializing in Art and Technology. Increasingly involved in the Nova Scotia arts community, Drahos has served on the board of directors for numerous arts organizations. She founded and directed public art and education project Uncommon Common Art (2008-2019), growing the organization from an ad hoc group of artists to a registered charity recognized in national arts publications. Her artwork often examines social identity and perceptions. Drahos has exhibited nationally, and is the recipient of numerous grants and awards. She is passionate about art education dividing her time between her studio and sharing her love of making with children. Drahos’s paintings can be seen at Secord Gallery (Halifax, NS) and Gallery 78 (Fredericton, NB)