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A Family History
por Lynda K. Mandlawitz
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Sobre o livro
The history of one Jewish family's journey from Eastern Europe, celebrating the joys and sorrows of new immigrants in America. The author describes her modern-day journeys to her ancestral towns and her father's desire to keep his family history alive for future generations.
Características e detalhes
- Categoria principal: Histórias de Família/Genealogia
- Categorias adicionais Biografias e memórias
Opção de projeto: 20×25 cm
Nº de páginas: 464 -
- Capa mole: 9798347546473
- Data de publicação: dez 18, 2024
- Idioma English
- Palavras-chavee European, Eastern, Ashkenazi;
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Sobre o autor
Lynda Mandlawitz began researching her family's history over four decades ago. She and her husband, internationally known painter David FeBland, live in Manhattan and Phoenix. Since 1984, she has stoked for him on their tandem bicycle in over fifty-five countries, highlighted by trips to her ancestral towns in the former Austria-Hungarian Empire (now Ukraine) and Russia.