How to Partner Well
A Guide to Help Congregations Create and Enhance Partnerships
por RootedGood
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Sobre o livro
This is a tool to help congregations create and enhance partnerships. Partnering with people and organizations is a vital part of a congregation fulfilling its mission effectively in a community. This is particularly true if a congregation is engaging in social enterprise activity and/or new uses for its building(s) and land. Non-profit organizations and other entities will also find this tool helpful, but some of the language is geared toward use by congregations.
Site do autor
Características e detalhes
- Categoria principal: Negócios e Economia
- Categorias adicionais Religião e espiritualidade
Opção de projeto: Papel carta, 22×28 cm
Nº de páginas: 28 - Data de publicação: jan 03, 2025
- Idioma English
- Palavras-chavee partnership, congregations, partner
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Sobre o autor
Kerrville, TX
We launched Rooted Good so faith-based organizations can align money and mission, reclaim their relevance in a changing world and be the Church the world needs today. We’re on a mission to equip leaders with the resources and processes they need to build their confidence and capacity as we collaborate to help the Church imagine and become something new for the good of the Other.