Goeiz (Handwritten Version)
Once Upon a Growthful Harvest...
por V. M. Veragoeiz
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Sobre o livro
Enjoy learning how to direct free acts towards growing together in communion, conceiving with living words a growthful story that transconsecrates us into the fraternizing and incarnated new albor we are all called to be and radiate with unconditional openness to new life and grace, as we learn how to be, do, grow, glow and bloom as the growthful harvest we had been called to be and incarnate as a living fraternizing history since the very beginning, in a unity of heart and hands, being and act, words and works; in a fraternful unity whose inspiration as a breath of new life grows on and on and radiates all with a communion direction that will keep being incarnated for generations to come, one generation achieving more and more growthful progress as a fraternizing real order, as each one is and does the best they can to achieve growing together in more and more communion as the equal and dignified brothers and sisters we are called to be, until together, as a growthful American living history, become the "America, the fraterful" we are called to be, the New World we had been meant to be since the very beginning, radiating together, as "we, the growthful peoples", this incarnated new albor with a more and more growthful passion, as a new civilization of Love.
Características e detalhes
- Categoria principal: Inspiração
- Categorias adicionais Histórias de Família/Genealogia, Ação/Aventura
Opção de projeto: 20×25 cm
Nº de páginas: 480 -
- Capa dura com ImageWrap: 9798347504312
- Data de publicação: jan 09, 2025
- Idioma English
- Palavras-chavee new fraternization, growthful, new albor
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