The Call Girl Superheroine - the Cube! # 13
A Torture Magic Comic
por Douglas Todt
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Sobre o livro
Elemental channeler Shelby Burnbeck is a call girl and a superheroine in Las Vegas. Obviously, this creates some problems for her and her BFF, Olivia, a necromancer. This is a comic book set in the Torture Magic universe. Suggested for mature readers.
Site do autor
Características e detalhes
- Categoria principal: HQs e graphic novels
- Categorias adicionais Ficção científica e literatura fantástica
Opção de projeto: Papel carta, 22×28 cm
Nº de páginas: 20 - Data de publicação: jan 15, 2025
- Idioma English
- Palavras-chavee vegas, hooker, super-hero, dc, marvel
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Sobre o autor
Douglas Todt is the author of the Torture Magic novel series. All novels are available on Amazon.