darkMessiah My Life as Sareth
Gamer Diaries: Book 1
por Sistina Smiles
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Sobre o livro
The life of me, as Sareth of Dark Messiah. Lived from January 1, 2007 to March 25, 2007, complete with comments from the world.
The world was explored each day for 1 hour, a painting was created from that hour of experience. Both a journal entry and a painting were blogged daily.
The world was explored each day for 1 hour, a painting was created from that hour of experience. Both a journal entry and a painting were blogged daily.
Características e detalhes
- Categoria principal: Arts & Photography Books
Opção de projeto: Quadrado pequeno, 18×18 cm
Nº de páginas: 50 - Data de publicação: set 09, 2008
- Palavras-chavee video games, art, painting
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Sobre o autor
Heather Losey McGeachy Studio
portland, OR 97080
Fine artist, gallery owner (gallery 114)