Tibet Autonomous Region
por Aaron P. Sanchez
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Sobre o livro
Aaron Sanchez s a photographer and world traveler. This pictorial expedition is a compilation of his travels through main land China and Tibet. Through his photographic interpretations the reader is able to see the both the culture and people of these lands
Características e detalhes
- Categoria principal: Arts & Photography Books
Opção de projeto: Paisagem de formato grande, 33×28 cm
Nº de páginas: 76 - Data de publicação: set 09, 2008
- Palavras-chavee Panda Bears, Red Panda, Lhasa City, China, Zhongguo, Tibet, Chinese, Chengdu, Photography, Travel, Village, Himalayan, Potala.
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Sobre o autor
Aaron Quinones
Rosemead, California
I'm currently living in Rosemead California, I love traveling the world and visiting places in this world that nobody has the time or courage to explore. Please enjoy my journey in life and all the wonderful people I get to meet. I'm don't claim to be an author, but blurb makes my dreams come true on paper.