A Bit of the Past -II
The Three Jacks. Jackson Sr., Jackson lll, Jackson lV. The Three Jacks
por Jackson Lewis Bahm lll 2008
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Sobre o livro
This is a book of the writings of Jackson Lewis Bahm lll. I have included things I have wirtten about the family, things I wanted to leave the grandkids with, many comments on the Model A, a section on Hilton Head Island, and many pictures and things I wanted to document. If you own a Model A, there is something in here for you. If you knew the Bahm family, then it might be interesting.
Características e detalhes
- Categoria principal: Biografias e memórias
Opção de projeto: Retrato padrão, 20×25 cm
Nº de páginas: 74 - Data de publicação: dez 03, 2008
- Palavras-chavee , Tips and hints on the Model a Ford from many years of owning them and playing with them.
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Sobre o autor
Jackson Bahm
Bloomfield Hills, MI
Born In Louisiana in 1935, BSME from LSU, MSAutomotive Engineering from Chrysler Institute of Engineering, MBA from Michigan State. Married to Maureen, with four grown children. Worked at Chrysler from 1958 to the end of 1991. Heavy into the Ford Model A's and have many videos on YouTube.