Blessed is the Joy of Lovers: Volume One
por Eric Levin
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By day I am deputy editor/dining editor of New Jersey Monthly. (In a previous life I was editor of special projects at People Magazine for 11 years.) By night and during the cracks in the day, I am a photographer. I have exhibited in numerous group shows and had a solo exhibition at Studio Montclair, Montclair, NJ, in January, 2006 and a much larger solo show, Unscheduled Stops, at the McGraw.Gallery on the campus of Newark Academy in Livingston, NJ, in 2014. In December, 2015 I launched a New Jersey Monthly dining podcast on iTunes called Eating With Eric. No eating involved. It's conversations with all sorts of people doing interesting things in New Jersey's dynamic food scene. My blurb books include several created for family. For my personal work, in addition to Unscheduled Stops, see Souls Have Shapes; I'll Be Right Back: The Bathroom Pictures; Still Life Never Sleeps; and Edible Complex.