4230 An Inmate's Log
por Kimberly Biback
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Sobre o livro
At a young age, we were separated from our Parole Officers and placed under almost immediate incarceration with multiple Jailers, and were granted limited parole hours.
We were told we’d spend twelve years for our crime, and the other years were optional.
You might wonder why an inmate would by choice, spend more time, but it is not unbelievable.
We are brainwashed more in prison years’ nine to twelve. The Jailers work their hardest to convince us that we want to stay, that it will all be very useful to us, that we will be accepted with open arms by society.
Some inmates are naive to this, and fall into the snare at the mention of cash, and purpose.
For this system to work with the rapid growth of new inmates, we are put in a new cell each year.
Finally in these, our last four years of punishment, we have been placed in a tougher prison because we have grown smarter. It is currently holding 1200 other fellow inmates. Each day, the prison’s mission is to work us to our limit, and torture us.
Our mission is to escape.
1212 and I will record necessary information and details pertinent to our escape in this log. It must be protected at all costs from the hands of our Jailers!
Características e detalhes
- Categoria principal: Humor
- Categorias adicionais Ciências sociais
Opção de projeto: 15×23 cm
Nº de páginas: 108 - Data de publicação: jun 14, 2015
- Idioma English
- Palavras-chavee funny, humor, laugh, school, jail
Sobre o autor
Kimberly Biback was born in Toronto and is the 3rd triplet to siblings, Christine and Steve. Kimberly took an interest in writing while enduring a traumatic childhood and used it as a means to reflect and gain insight. This insight enabled Kimberly to transform stress into productivity and she was able to find humour in the nuances of life. This sense of defeating obstacles and rising above darkness enabled Kimberly to constantly pursue powerful goals, one in particular, she developed an environmental program for a Shopping Centre. This program was so successful that it received a Gold Maple Leaf Award with the International Council of Shopping Centers for Category Integration, and the program was subsequently rolled out nationally. When Kimberly isn’t working or writing, she enjoys spending time with her husband and son. Kimberly has continued in her passion for writing with her newest children’s book titled, “The Piece Who Found His Place.”