Building and Owning A Bettah Ukulele
The Story of Moore Bettah Ukuleles
por Staci Blevins
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The ukulele has made a resurgence, as everyone from hipsters, to Hawaiians, to retirees has found joy in the instrument. If there is a Stradivarius equivalent in the ukulele world - one brand that stands head and shoulders above all others when it comes to tone, playability and beauty, it is Moore Bettah ukuleles, which are painstakingly handcrafted by one man, Chuck Moore, in a solar-powered workshop on the Big Island of Hawaii.
Part one of the book allows the reader a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the Moore Bettah workshop during the construction of these unparalleled instruments, from selection of the wood, to sanding, routing, neck carving, inlay work, and finishing of the instrument. Through glossy color photographs, the reader is able to peek over Chuck's shoulder during each step, as Chuck's own words provide descriptions and explanations.
Part two of the book interviews numerous Moore Bettah owners, and they detail their joy over owning one of these ukuleles, and explain the characteristics that make them stand out in a crowded field of manufacturers. You will discover how the inspiration for many of Chuck's custom pieces originates from the personal stories and experiences of the individual owners.
Finally, part three of the book showcases the pinnacle of Chuck Moore's creations, the ukulele displayed at the 2016 Ukulele Guild of Hawaii show. Moore tells the story of its creation, and readers will also get to hear from the lucky owner of this instrument.
Building and Owning a Bettah Ukulele allows the fortunate few that own these masterpieces the opportunity to see how their instruments have been built, and it lets those that long for a Moore Bettah of their own to have a small piece of the Moore Bettah magic.
Part one of the book allows the reader a behind-the-scenes glimpse into the Moore Bettah workshop during the construction of these unparalleled instruments, from selection of the wood, to sanding, routing, neck carving, inlay work, and finishing of the instrument. Through glossy color photographs, the reader is able to peek over Chuck's shoulder during each step, as Chuck's own words provide descriptions and explanations.
Part two of the book interviews numerous Moore Bettah owners, and they detail their joy over owning one of these ukuleles, and explain the characteristics that make them stand out in a crowded field of manufacturers. You will discover how the inspiration for many of Chuck's custom pieces originates from the personal stories and experiences of the individual owners.
Finally, part three of the book showcases the pinnacle of Chuck Moore's creations, the ukulele displayed at the 2016 Ukulele Guild of Hawaii show. Moore tells the story of its creation, and readers will also get to hear from the lucky owner of this instrument.
Building and Owning a Bettah Ukulele allows the fortunate few that own these masterpieces the opportunity to see how their instruments have been built, and it lets those that long for a Moore Bettah of their own to have a small piece of the Moore Bettah magic.
Características e detalhes
- Categoria principal: Entretenimento
Opção de projeto: Paisagem de formato grande, 33×28 cm
Nº de páginas: 82 -
- Capa dura com ImageWrap: 9781364333294
- Data de publicação: fev 21, 2016
- Idioma English
- Palavras-chavee ukulele, Hawaii, koa, Moore Bettah
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