Nine Tales Of Shredder
por Dianne Connolly
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Sobre o livro
Three puppy brothers are abandoned and then rescued by young, country lad, Aaron - who lives on a hilltop with his Horsey Two Shoes and two irrepressible cats. The puppies do a lot of pig hunting as they get older and also engage in other exciting adventure. Richly illustrated with the author's own colourful artwork, this book will intrigue and inspire you as well as keep you in stitches from the well infused humour used through out these wondrous tales.
Site do autor
Características e detalhes
- Categoria principal: Humor
- Categorias adicionais Nova Zelândia, Entretenimento
Opção de projeto: Paisagem padrão, 25×20 cm
Nº de páginas: 140 - Data de publicação: abr 27, 2016
- Idioma English
- Palavras-chavee diconnollyart, Dianne Connolly, Shredder
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Sobre o autor
Dianne Connolly
New Zealand
I am a New Zealand Artist/painter/writer. All my books listed here are richly illustrated with my own original pieces of artwork.