Old Madge Witch
and Her Triple Helix Cat
por Dianne Connolly
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Sobre o livro
Old Madge Witch lives in the Misty Mountains with her cat Triple Helix and her eight Zillion kittens. Life is pretty idyllic and good there until some woochoo aliens upset the proverbial apple cart by poisoning the local milk supply and a couple of the Zillion kittens are hospitalized as a result leaving Old Madge Witch frantically searching for a solution which is only solved when her adopted daughter (Puti Kowhai another character from the 'Nine Tales Of Shredder book) comes to visit. A great, fun filled read for both adults and children alike who are bound to enjoy the colourful illustrations included also.
Site do autor
Características e detalhes
- Categoria principal: Humor
- Categorias adicionais Nova Zelândia, Entretenimento
Opção de projeto: Retrato padrão, 20×25 cm
Nº de páginas: 36 - Data de publicação: maio 23, 2016
- Idioma English
- Palavras-chavee witch, diconnollyart, Dianne Connolly
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Sobre o autor
Dianne Connolly
New Zealand
I am a New Zealand Artist/painter/writer. All my books listed here are richly illustrated with my own original pieces of artwork.