
Char Olla Feldhusen

United States

I come from a large Sicilian family and love our culture. I love the food and was an Italian dancer at one time. I am a wife, a mother, a Nani, and now a great-grandmother. I have been a licensed and ordained minister through Christian International for many years.I have a Doctorate in Theology with a concentration in Pastoral Counseling. I have been called as a prophet and confirmed and charged through C.I. I am an author and a prophetic mentor and have been teaching and activating believers in the prophetic for many years. I love the prophetic streams Holy Spirit has poured out on His children who will receive from Him. I really love watching Holy Spirit activate His children in their destinies. It's such a privilege and so exciting to see people step out. The Lord has so much for us, and I love to mentor and share what He has taught me. But I'm going to keep chasing Him and crying out for more. Come join me through this book. But remember there's always more... His Beauty is endless

Livros por Char Olla Feldhusen