
A. David (Lieberdavid) Burdoin

Thailand and Maine

Lieberdavid is a retired high school mathematics teacher with a life long interest in photography. A birthday gift of a Kodak Brownie from a sister got him started. Later he switched to 35mm and took pictures at school and of trains, another interest. Eventually he upgraded to the Leica system. The color enlargements turned out better than he had thought possible with 35mm. He has used Leica film cameras, single lens reflex or rangefinder models, and lenses exclusively for more than 30 years.

Photographs of family and friends are of course usual subjects, but much of the material of his photography comes from travel experiences and a continuing interest in railroading. Favorite subjects are Maine, Thailand, and trains.

Lieberdavid lives in Thailand for most of the year but spends summers at his Moosehead Lake home in Maine.

Livros por A. David (Lieberdavid) Burdoin