
Melody R. Green Books

Newcastle, NSW, Australia

My business is about books and stories ... writing them, reading them and telling them.
I've always been fascinated by books and yet it wasn't until I hit my forties that I thought about writing them!

Writers tend to have interesting career paths and I've had so many different jobs that people often scratch their heads and say but how did you get to here?

For some years all of the paths led to a career in advising others how to get a better, more fulfilling career, relationship or life.

In the 1980's I worked as a classical singer and actor and was involved in marketing the early versions of audio books. So I suppose it was natural to find the next chapter in my career to be narrating books as well as writing them.

I love helping authors bring their book to life through audio.

Áreas de especialização

Narrator for the following genres:-

Young Adults
Women's Fiction
Historical Romance

(N.B. I do not work with sexually explicit material romance or profanity)

I work with professional sound engineers to ensure your book meets the ASX standard.

Audio books are not always the best choice for a book, so let's talk and see if we have the right fit.

Contact me at