
Mother's Breath

Prince George BC Canada

Mother’s Breath is printable artwork with a functional purpose. Mother’s Breath is a cohesive melding of a beautiful and functional agenda and a self-guided journalier. This simplified pleasure is for the analogue thinker and dreamer. Mother’s Breath allows for personal self-exploration while also organizing your daily tasks and appointments. Easy to access, no power source, private, personal and kept for a lifetime or more, the journal is the quintessential classic.

The pages track finance, nutrition, fitness, and hobbies while also devoting time to creativity, reflection, self-motivation and empowerment. Everything is original; even the symbols and artwork.

I realized all my organizational artwork could be helpful and functional in one book, and not only for myself.

Áreas de especialização

I’ve experienced a full life that seemed to revolve around learning how to care for others and myself; and acquiring the skills to manage and maintain a home. These skills are Mother’s Breath, and I am she. I am a consummate home economist. I define a home economist as an individual, usually a Mother, whom has practical knowledge and a system of the skills to manage and maintain a home.

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