por David S. Chouhan
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Sobre o Ebook
Young Children are learning “sponges,” at their prime to absorb, not only the structure of verbal and written language, but also moral concepts that will help shape who they become as adults.
Captain CHOO Loves Good Stories and Poems! His Young Readers Library books are designed to introduce children to basic reading skills through fables. Some are pure, whimsical fun, but most include moral lessons, teaching positive values such as perseverance, tolerance, empathy, and discerning right from wrong.
These stories and moral concepts, coupled with a select few bigger words are also great for parents reading to young children, to encourage discussion, learning and growth.
We truly hope you enjoy every book in this series!
Dave Chouhan AKA “Captain CHOO”
Características e detalhes
- Categoria principal: Livros Infantis
- Categorias adicionais Pais e famílias, Inglês/Gramática
- Versão Ebook com layout fixo, 21 pgs
- Data de publicação: nov 10, 2020
- Última edição fev 22, 2021
- Idioma English
- Palavras-chavee morals, lessons, grammar, English, children
Sobre o autor
David, AKA "Captain CHOO," is a British-born, Canadian-raised fellow of South Asian descent, with a unique appreciation for people from all walks of life. He held Manufacturing & Leadership positions for several decades within large Corporations, completing extensive courses, including Effective Leadership, Effective Communication, and Conflict Resolution. But…he wasn’t employing Life-long skills in Writing, various Art mediums, and numerous other creative talents! David is now focused on building a business and meaningful Legacy to be PASSIONATE about; one that imparts, with his unique style and humour, valuable Lessons and fun Stories to the next generation. After all, Children are our Future! Thus, he's utilized formal training from Art Instruction Schools & latent long-term Art/Writing abilities to bring you these Wonderful books! They combine a writing Style like Dr Seuss with Morals similar to Aesop's Fables! ENJOY wholesome reading with your children!