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Albrecht Tiefenbacher

Portland, OR

I have been taking pictures all my life. But in order to turn my patchy academic background (IT, literature, sociology, art history) into a career, I went from university straight into advertising. One decade and some award-winning work later I took the chance to fill in as in-house photographer at one of Germany’s top agencies, who had originally hired me as Senior Copywriter. After juggling both jobs for years I went all-in with photography, working freelance for architects, design companies and related magazines. Following my wife’s transfer to the US I moved to Portland, where I’m busy as homemaker, dachshund handler and free range photographer. I (doggedly…) pursue an ever evolving array of off-and-on-kilter projects, like Cars Undercover, Pandemic Postcards, Runaway Chairs and Squirrels on Headstones, many of which feature on 36views.cam alongside my commercial work.