
Dai Richards MBA MSTAT

United Kingdom

Dai has a broad and profound experience of life, movement, injury and recovery. He has a sympathetic nature, some 30 years experience in coaching and is a fully qualified Alexander Technique Teacher. He trained, full time, for three years at the Brighton Alexander Technique College under the guidance of Carolyn Nicholls.

He describes himself as having been, at the age of 40, an "athletic cripple" - serious back pain, neck pain and under threat of a hip replacement. A stressful "City" job, long hours at a computer and lots of exercise was taking its toll. He started having Alexander Technique lessons in the year 2000 and found very quickly that they helped get rid of the tensions and misuse that were leading to his pain.

Now aged over 50 he is largely pain free and happily runs, dances, rides a unicycle, stands on a slackline and generally moves freely and enjoys inhabiting his body.

Livros por Dai Richards MBA MSTAT