
Joshua Jones

Redding, California, United States

Welcome, my name is Joshua, but I go by Josh. This book started out as a semester long creative writing assignment which I really enjoyed, but I was forced to learn a lot. At first, I was just casually writing, but soon discovered I had some ideas worth pursuing. Being influenced by modern stories of ancient ideas like vampires and werewolves, I started with a couple of unique ideas and just kept writing about the same topics. I realized I was writing a book scattered among my many notes from the course. Its first publishing was about 100 pages long, in the end, I had another 200 hundred pages. I discovered many of my ideas created threads of tangled web in which my stories combine into their own universe. Each story will interweave into the others. My writings include Supernatural & Dark Fantasy, Action Adventure, Drama, and things that feel a bit like a Comic Book. My ultimate goal would be to build something into a movie, but I am keeping the steppingstone goals moving until then.