
Dianne M. McConachie

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Dianne McConachie was born in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and has lived there most of her life She is a graduate of Toronto Teachers College. Her working life was spent in education & library work and she took early retirement in the 1990s.

She began taking pictures with her Dad's box camera and Kodak Brownie in the early 1960s. In the 1970's, she was using the popular Kodak Instamatic to make slides. After a short course in photography at Lakehead University, she moved up to an Olympus SLR. The 1980s and beyond were spent taking colour film photos

In 1998, Dianne went digital with a Sony Mavica camera and hasn't looked back. She loves the new medium with its versatility and instant feedback. She now uses a prosumer Canon, with zoom & macro lenses.

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