
Steven Hirsch


Steven Hirsch's work has appeared in numerous publications including Newsweek, Time, The New York Times Magazine, US News and World Report, Fortune, Smithsonian Magazine, Popular Photography, Afterimage, People, Maisonnueuve, The New York Times, powerHouse magazine, Paris Match and Stern. He has taught at the International Center of Photography, The New School, Parsons School of Design, the School of Visual Arts and is currently teaching at Pratt Institute. Mr. Hirsch has been awarded two New York Foundation for the Arts fellowships and his work has been widely exhibited and is in the collections of the Museum of Modern Art, Polaroid Collection, Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Israel Museum, Everson Museum of Art, Light Work, Library of Congress and the New Orleans Museum of Art, among others.

Livros por Steven Hirsch