
Gerard Verbecelte


I bought my first camera at age 22. It was a Nikon FE2. I started learning photography laying eyes on the members of my immediate family.

After a break of several years, I rediscovered photography in 2004 by acquiring second hand medium format Mamiya 645 silver.

In 2005, I joined the roc-photo club of Lessines in Belgium. The many activities that are available allow me to progress at the technical level. Through the club, I can also show my picture alongside those of other members (exhibitions in March 2006, October 2007 and March 2009).

Two years ago, I started working in digital 24x36.

Encouraged by my wife and some friends, I finalized my internet site in August 2007: In February 2009, my pictures were published by the French magazine "Réponses Photo".

Livros por Gerard Verbecelte