
Hannah Long Photography

Raleigh, NC

Hannah Long is an assignment photographer who blends her curiosity of movement with the natural world. Her most recent project involves utilizing conversations and guided improvisations with dancers over video calls to capture images that represent the power of individual agency and personal reflections of one’s habits. This project emphasizes her experimentation with artistic processes. As a trained dancer, choreographer and teacher herself, she is familiar with various types of artistic processes and strives to implement a blend of the methods she’s experienced into her photographic work. While earning her BFA in Performance and Choreography with K-12 Teaching Licensure at the University of North Carolina Greensboro, she was introduced to the importance of “exhausting the possibilities of a single moment. ” This is an idea she continues to explore with her subjects while on set.

Áreas de especialização

Dance Photography, Landscape and Travel Photography

Livros por Hannah Long Photography