
Jennifer Dorhout

Phoenix, AZ USA

I’ve always loved creativity and art. My interest began in highschool with an art teacher who really encouraged my passion for drawing and painting. From there, I began merging my love for fine art and a bit of “techiness” into a career in Graphic Design. I majored in Graphic Design at Dordt College, and along the way, figured out that I also had a knack for marketing. At Groschopp, I had the chance to use my graphic design and marketing skills to run an entire marketing campaign including the graphic design, budget planning, copy writing, interviewing, technical article writing, social media marketing and public relations tasks. With a well-rounded view of all these activities I feel as though I could continue to perform all of these duties or specialize in a particular marketing aspect. I’m excited for a new opportunity where I can further expand my skills and become more proficient at other aspects of marketing and design.

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