Stories of Hope Ebook
A Book of Interviews from Around the World
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Sobre o Ebook
While sailing around the world through the Semester at Sea study abroad program, students asked people in various countries to tell them what gives them hope. This book compiles those interviews with accompanying photographs and drawings to spread a message of hope.
In a world where environmental and social problems can seem overwhelming, we found hope was present and growing. The future will arrive as it always does, and we believe these statements of hope are examples of a bright new day.
With each purchase, profits are donated to Semester at Sea scholarships to give other students a chance to explore the world.
In a world where environmental and social problems can seem overwhelming, we found hope was present and growing. The future will arrive as it always does, and we believe these statements of hope are examples of a bright new day.
With each purchase, profits are donated to Semester at Sea scholarships to give other students a chance to explore the world.
Características e detalhes
- Categoria principal: Inspiração
- Categorias adicionais Turismo, Livros de Decoração
- Versão Ebook com layout fixo, 84 pgs
- Data de publicação: abr 19, 2020
- Última edição set 25, 2022
- Idioma English
- Palavras-chavee Hope, Interviews, Travel
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