Joel Confronts the Weather with What's in the Cupboard Ebook
por Jasmine Deslances
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Sobre o Ebook
Características e detalhes
- Categoria principal: Livros Infantis
- Categorias adicionais Pais e famílias, Educação
- Versão Ebook com layout fixo, 20 pgs
- Data de publicação: jul 30, 2020
- Última edição out 23, 2020
- Idioma English
- Palavras-chavee boy, sick, breakfast, dream, family
Sobre o autor
Jasmine is a storyteller and vlogger creating community for parents, travelers, and critical thinkers on her blog, Rue Madame (FB: @ruemadamewriting), which showcases introspective writing; her family life and experiences as an expat in France; and reactions to current events. She and her husband Jean-Paul combined their talents to create their debut children's book: Joel Confronts the Weather with What's in the Cupboard. The book is dedicated to their children, son Joel and daughter Ayao. and to young readers everywhere who love to read, ask questions, and help others. Co-creators of the French comic strip, The Butters (IG: thebuttersfr), this complementary duo creates bilingual French-English content for children and adults. They live in Paris, France where they work on their respective art: drawing and creative writing.