People, Places and Things: Images of Travel 1986 - 2018
Photos from From Over Thirty Years of Travel
por Alex Kramer
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Sobre o livro
Photos from over 30 years of (mostly) business travel as an accidental tourist; the places I've been, the things I've seen and the people I met along the way.
Características e detalhes
- Categoria principal: Turismo
- Categorias adicionais Arts & Photography Books
Opção de projeto: Paisagem de formato grande, 33×28 cm
Nº de páginas: 198 - Data de publicação: out 07, 2020
- Idioma English
- Palavras-chavee memoir, photography, travel
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Sobre o autor
Alex Kramer
Boca Raton, FL and Lakewood, NJ, USA
Amateur photographer, traveling consultant. Over 30 years of consulting on the intersection of business and technology - with many pictures taken along the way.