Emsi and Kaj Wedding Album 05.09.2020
Utö Lighthouse, Finland Baltic Archipelago
por Rob Watklns
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Sobre o livro
A collection of portraits and atmosphere photographs from a magical day. The wedding took place in a lighthouse on the remote Finnish Baltic Archipelago island of Utö
Site do autor
Características e detalhes
- Categoria principal: Álbum de Casamento
- Categorias adicionais Arts & Photography Books
Opção de projeto: Quadrado grande, 30×30 cm
Nº de páginas: 100 - Data de publicação: out 16, 2020
- Idioma English
- Palavras-chavee utö, lighthouse, archipelago, finland, wedding
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Sobre o autor
Rob Watkins
Åland, Finland
I am a freelance photographer from Wales now living on the island of Åland between Sweden and Finland. I have worked as a photographer for 20 years and a Picture Editor for 10 years in the UK before emigrating in 2008