1927 to 1952 On the Occasion of the 25th Anniversary of Kodak AG
1927 to 1952 Kodak AG
por Dr. David L. Jentz
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Sobre o livro
Características e detalhes
- Categoria principal: Arts & Photography Books
- Categorias adicionais Artesanato e hobbies, História
Opção de projeto: Papel carta, 22×28 cm
Nº de páginas: 72 - Data de publicação: abr 27, 2021
- Idioma English
- Palavras-chavee Nagel, Kodak AG, Retina
Sobre o autor
Dr. David L. Jentz is an authority on the history and production of Kodak Retina and Retinette cameras from Kodak AG in Stuttgart-Wangen, Germany. He founded the Historical Society for Retina Cameras (HSRC) in 1992. Dr. Jentz has authored numerous articles about Retina cameras in the international photo-historical literature including Photographica World, Photographica Cabinett and Photo Antiquaria. He has also contributed to the Kodak Retina and Retinette section of McKeown's Guide to Antique and Classic Cameras, 9th thru 12th editions, from 1995 to 2005. Dr. Jentz is consulted by specialized European auction houses concerning authentication of rare Kodak Retina cameras. Dr. David L. Jentz ist eine Autorität für die Geschichte und Produktion von Kodak Retina- und Retinette-Kameras der Kodak AG in Stuttgart-Wangen. Er gründete 1992 die Historical Society for Retina Cameras HSRC).