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Sobre o livro
"DYIN DEAD" will explore the various levels of emotional and relational experiences that lead individuals to feel trapped in their lives—whether in love, friendship, or marriage. The poems will delve into the yearning for fulfillment and fear of leaving this world without having truly lived. Each section will represent different stages of life and relational dynamics, culminating in a powerful reflection on the human experience.
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Características e detalhes
- Categoria principal: Poesia
- Categorias adicionais Inspiração, Entretenimento
Opção de projeto: 13×20 cm
Nº de páginas: 90 -
- Capa mole: 9798347697083
- Data de publicação: nov 01, 2024
- Idioma English
- Palavras-chavee Regret, Death, Life, Survival, Free Verse, Poems
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Sobre o autor
Perry Perry
I'm not a rapper, I'm a writer for myself and others as Perry Perry explains to those basing things off first impression of him.