'The Bamburgh Serpent' Ebook
The Laidley Worm of Bamburgh
por Illustrated by Jorge Lulić
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Sobre o Ebook
The Bamburgh Serpent is a story based on the old Northumbrian legend ‘The Laidley Worm of Bamburgh’.
This colourful tale tells of a sad prince who goes to a far-away land, a beautiful princess, a fearsome serpent, an ugly toad and magic spells.
An enchanting tale for young and old.
This colourful tale tells of a sad prince who goes to a far-away land, a beautiful princess, a fearsome serpent, an ugly toad and magic spells.
An enchanting tale for young and old.
Características e detalhes
- Categoria principal: Livros Infantis
- Versão Ebook com layout fixo, 42 pgs
- Data de publicação: jun 12, 2012
- Última edição set 08, 2016
- Idioma English
- Palavras-chavee Legends, England legends, Children Books, North East England, Tales
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Sobre o autor
Jorge Lulic
United Kingdom
Jorge Lulić was born in Santiago, Chile but has lived most of his life in the United Kingdom where he become a British National in 1979. Jorge studied at the University of Durham in England from where he graduated as a Bachelor of Education with a teaching degree in Art and Design and Visual Communication in 1979. Jorge has an extensive career as a teacher and as a freelance artist. In addition to his interest in writing and illustrating children's books, Jorge is a keen photographer, digital, oil and watercolour artist. To find out more visit www.jorgelulic.com jorgelulic556@gmail.com