Soul Expression Ebook
Cultivating Stillness, Inspiration and Creativity
por by Louis Parsons
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Sobre o Ebook
These three gateways to the soul – contemplation, inspiration and creative expression provide sustainable lines of growth for the creation of anything that you want to create.
The benefits to the reader?
- An undeniable experience of the power and beauty of their soul
- Wonderful images to uplift the spirit and nurture the soul, inspiring a sense of presence in everyday life
- Practical tools to cultivate serenity, and weave it into everyday life
- More peace
- More of the life you want to create, a greater sense of fulfillment
- Less stress, less busyness
The artwork of Louis Parsons is used throughout the book to help inspire deeper and fuller realization of who we really are.
Características e detalhes
- Categoria principal: Autoajuda
- Versão Ebook com layout fixo, 40 pgs
- Data de publicação: nov 21, 2011
- Última edição jul 10, 2021
- Idioma English
- Palavras-chavee Louis Parsons, soul, art, beauty, inspiration, contemplation, stillness, creativity
Sobre o autor
Louis Parsons uses the power of art to inspire people and organisations to co-create a world of deeper harmony and success. For many years, he has been on an inspired quest to understand the human spirit and how we express the soul in daily life. This journey has taken him around the globe, consulting with leading world experts in psychology and personal development, all of which have greatly enriched Parsons’ understanding of the human soul. Louis brings together a unique blend of skills by understanding personality, intuitive listening, and talented artistry. This culminates in a wonderful, personal and beautiful work of art. He passionately believes there is an emerging art movement, which he terms “The Soul Renaissance”. Through his talks, workshops and art Parsons unlocks our ability to see the unique symphony of light that resides inside all of us. He brings simplicity and clarity to empower his audience to find greater energy in their lives.