RUSH RANCH Cowboys and Conservation Ebook
por Tom and Steffni Muehleisen
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Sobre o Ebook
Nature Photographers highlight the activities at Rush Ranch near Suisun City California. Owned by the Solano Land Trust, over 2,000 acres of rolling grassland and marsh area are home to Rush Ranch where Access Adventure and the Rush Ranch Educational Council conduct their operations. Access Adventure founder Michael Muir is the great-grandson of John Muir and he and his team of volunteers work hard at getting the disabled on horseback and in horsedrawn wagons for outdoor experiences and therapy. Also at the ranch, the Rush Ranch Educational Council educates nearly 3,000 students each year about the history of the Patwin Indians. See the efforts of the National Estuarine Research Reserve to preserve this beautiful area and view some of the local birds and wildlife.
Características e detalhes
- Categoria principal: Arts & Photography Books
- Versão Ebook com layout fixo, 40 pgs
- Data de publicação: maio 12, 2012
- Última edição maio 12, 2012
- Idioma English
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Sobre o autor
Steffni & Tom Muehleisen
Suisun City, Ca
Steffni & Tom are both retired and enjoy nature photography and oil painting. Northern California is our canvas but we love Colorado and Florida as well.