A 1916 Guide on Making Tailored Buttonholes and Hand Covering Buttons Ebook
por Mary Brooks Picken
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Sobre o Ebook
This book has excerpts from a set of 6 books now out of print. The books were originally written by Mary Brooks Picken. Each chapter has great photos and instructions for making sewing as it was done in 1916. This book is contains one of the sections that focuses on making tailored buttonholes and hand-covering buttons. It has great illustrations and is a wonderful guide that would be perfect for the general or historical seamstress. It is a wonderful look into the early 20th century.
Características e detalhes
- Categoria principal: Artesanato e hobbies
- Versão Ebook com layout fixo, 40 pgs
- Data de publicação: jan 25, 2012
- Última edição mar 07, 2024
- Idioma English
- Palavras-chavee historical clothing, buttonholes, sewing
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