Fool and the Hero Ebook
por Bjørn Venø
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Sobre o Ebook
A dissertation for Royal College of Art that presents an argument for the importance of the fool and the artist in todays society.
Características e detalhes
- Categoria principal: Educação
- Versão Ebook com layout fixo, 68 pgs
- Data de publicação: abr 28, 2012
- Última edição abr 12, 2022
- Idioma English
- Palavras-chavee albert camus, joseph campbell, Thomas more, thomas kuhn, paradigm shift, bjorn veno, bjørn venø, erasmus, clown, buffoon, harlequin, jester, trickster, joker, artist, art, fool, hero, heroic
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Sobre o autor
Bjørn Venø
Vestland, Stad, Norway
Bjørn Venø (b 1979, Norway / England) is an Arthemist that works with photography, video, performance art, writing, drawing and music. Ideas of energy, failure, identity, gender and metaphysics are explored by using free association, intuition and attributes of the fool.