Ice Portraits Ebook
por by Tom Holmes
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Sobre o Ebook
Características e detalhes
- Categoria principal: Arts & Photography Books
- Versão Ebook com layout fixo, 58 pgs
- Data de publicação: abr 24, 2012
- Última edição out 01, 2012
- Idioma English
Sobre o autor
Tom Holmes is an artist, sculptor and musician living and working in the NEPA valley. "I am drawn to working in the six elements of stone, metal, wood, light, ice and water. It gives me the ability to work intuitively. All possibilities can exist briefly before I impose parameters with regard to my emotional and intellectual contexts." The undercurrents of natural decay,unity, duality,symmetry, space, time and dimension are at the heart of Tom's creative energy. "I work seasonally. Different seasons suggest different types and elements of my work. I love the crisp colds of zero or below for icing in the winter. The summer brings outdoor work and construction, waterfalls and stone work. Spring and fall are transition times that tie the year together with welding, sand blasting and finishing. " My work is my life and I thrive on long days. There is only the transcendence of the everyday. Cooking, friends, love becomes the sublime witness of doing. Process for me is the essence of my art.