my face my life: the native american series Ebook
faces of character
por photography by charles crain
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Sobre o Ebook
What were the circumstances that brought these personalities to the same place at the same time? All engaged in a variety of mundane activities…..all in their own their life.....their character.
Images under this title are from an ongoing series recently captured at important Native American celebrations. Photos are both casual and candid, using available light for best results and to portray the genuine encounter. They explore the character and life experiences of the subject.
Over the past 3 years, Charles has developed several series of images of various ethnic groups captured at markets, regional festivals and cultural gatherings. This country continues to evolve and the diversity of its population make-up changes with every new generation and wave of immigration. The goal of this endeavor has been to celebrate the transformation with portraits of character and distinction.
Características e detalhes
- Categoria principal: Fotografia e artes plásticas
- Versão Ebook com layout fixo, 60 pgs
- Data de publicação: jul 12, 2012
- Última edição out 31, 2012
- Idioma English
- Palavras-chavee faces, character, native, american, southwest, portrait, celebrate, celebrations, ethnic, regional, cultural, immigration, immigrant, distinction, my, face, my, life, life, experience
Sobre o autor
When Charles bought his first Nikon F SLR fifty years ago the resulting studies were of derelict architecture, machinery and also street photography - a genre that the New York Times has called,”…shots of everyday people living out their private lives in public”. In this type of portraiture, he has the keen ability to capture life experiences of people reflected in their faces and gestures. Over time these pursuits continued in 35mm B&W and color slide formats; he then joined the digital revolution in its early stages. The range of his photography has extended from Great Britain to Central America, the Gulf Coast, South Florida and the Western US. A more recent concentration has been character studies with an emphasis on the film & television industry, event portraiture, multi-ethnic cultural studies, documentary series of festivals, markets & the wine-making industry, the built environment and fine art.