Walking Backwards through Fire
por Anne-Marie Glasheen
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Sobre o livro
How important is it to know one’s origins? To know who we are, do we need to know how we came to be where we are? Through poetry and abstract photographic montages, Walking Backwards through Fire journeys from past to present, weaving together ancestral women’s voices as they explore such issues as memory, identity and cultural belonging, migration and origins.
Características e detalhes
- Categoria principal: Arts & Photography Books
Opção de projeto: Quadrado pequeno, 18×18 cm
Nº de páginas: 24 - Data de publicação: set 09, 2008
- Palavras-chavee photographic montage, poetry, women, identity, memory
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Sobre o autor
Anne-Marie Glasheen
London, United Kingdom
Born of a Belgian father and an English mother, I spent my early years in Belgium before settling in the UK. In 2002 I felt the need to find expression in a new vocabulary that did not necessarily have recourse to language. Through my photographic work I now endeavour to translate the reality of the captured image into the unreality or ‘surreality’ of the manipulated image. These ‘visual poems’ can stand on their own, or can incorporate or accompany words in English and/or French.